Team Foundation Server 2010 Command-Line Utility

On a system I use, I needed to rollback a changeset recently checked-in in Team Foundation Server 2010 but ran into a problem. The problem was that if I went to the directory where the command-line tool TF.exe was located, I would get an error stating the following:

Unable to determine the workspace. You may be able to correct this by running 'tf workspaces /collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl'.

Of course doing what it says didn’t fix the problem. Continue reading Team Foundation Server 2010 Command-Line Utility

Team Foundation Server, Reporting Services, SharePoint; Almost but not Enough

In a previous entry, I stated I was using SharePoint and Reporting Services with Integrated mode. After that was finally successful, I wanted to connect Team Foundation 2010 (TFS) with this SharePoint installation. Continue reading Team Foundation Server, Reporting Services, SharePoint; Almost but not Enough

Team Foundation Server 2010 and JDeveloper

I recently had to make a decision to use Subversion or the already deployed Team Foundation Server 2010 (TFS) for use with JDeveloper (JDev). Well, I was sure that Microsoft or Oracle would make something to allow JDev to connect to TFS for source control. Come to find out, I was right. Continue reading Team Foundation Server 2010 and JDeveloper