SQL Reporting Services: HTTP Error 503

I recently was playing around with SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services and switching between Native and SharePoint integrated mode.  In the last change, I switched from SharePoint Integrated to Native but came across an error when opening the Report Manager, specifically HTTP Error 503: Service is Unavailable. As usual, I over analyzed it but did find the solution. Continue reading SQL Reporting Services: HTTP Error 503

Team Foundation Server, Reporting Services, SharePoint; Almost but not Enough

In a previous entry, I stated I was using SharePoint and Reporting Services with Integrated mode. After that was finally successful, I wanted to connect Team Foundation 2010 (TFS) with this SharePoint installation. Continue reading Team Foundation Server, Reporting Services, SharePoint; Almost but not Enough

Unable to Access SQL Reporting Services using Server Name

A recent installation of SQL Reporting Services installed successfully but then when testing the site, no matter how the Reporting Services Configuration Manager was configured, the Reporting Manager could not be access using the server name. I couldn’t even connect to the database engine using the server name in Management Studio. Then I remembered something. Continue reading Unable to Access SQL Reporting Services using Server Name