Team Foundation Server 2010 and JDeveloper

I recently had to make a decision to use Subversion or the already deployed Team Foundation Server 2010 (TFS) for use with JDeveloper (JDev). Well, I was sure that Microsoft or Oracle would make something to allow JDev to connect to TFS for source control. Come to find out, I was right.

JDev can be extended with extensions. Oracle actually produces and maintains extensions to connect JDev to TFS, found here (until the link dies). After installing the extension I was excited and found out that the TFS extension does not have the TFS client I thought it had to connect to the TFS server.

I then searched Microsoft’s site for a cross-platform TFS client. I found that the cross-platform client named Team Explorer Everywhere, which did work as a stand-alone client, did not work with JDev as JDev kept looking for TF.exe. The solution came when I found the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Explorer 2010 – ISO, located here (until the link dies). This installs an empty Visual Studio 2010 shell with Team Explorer integrated and also adds the TF.exe that JDev was seeking.

Once both the JDev extension for TFS from Oracle was installed in JDev and the Team Explorer 2010 was installed on the workstation, JDev was able to connect to TFS.

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